Our culture – diverse, committed and engaged with customers

Uri S
February 6, 2022
Courtesy of Yaron Koler.

It’s not about the EDC system. It’s about our values.

There are 2 reasons for this:

The first reason, is that today, it’s almost impossible for a tech startup to design and perfectly execute implementation and delivery of a new EDC or decentralized clinical trials system which does not have a competing alternative.

More people have ascended bodily into heaven than have perfectly executed on product development.

The second and main reason has to do with trust.

To earn the opportunity to sell you our eClinical products, we need to earn your trust.

To earn your trust we need values. You need to believe us, our product team and our sales and marketing team.

The value chain to our customers

We have a clear set of values.

  1. Members of the Flaskdata.io team signup for core values. This is a bit recursive – but if you don’t or cannot signup for our values – you will not stay a member of the team for long.
  2. We are diverse: Diversity as measured by gender, religious belief, age and experience.  This means that we practice diversity.   We have an age-range of 21 to 71.   We have Jews, Christians,. Muslims, men, women, non-religious, very-religious people on the team. We understand that diversity gives us strength.
  3. We are committed to the mission.  The mission is to provide same-day data integrity and patient safety monitoring to our customers.  
  4. We are fanatic about customer support.   If a system is down, we drop everything and jump on it until it’s fixed.   We use online tickets but we don’t let the tickets get between us and delivery.
  5. We debrief our successes and our failures.    What we did right, what we did wrong, what we should keep and what we must improve.  We document what we need to correct and what we need to prevent. We understand we are not perfect – and we don’t feel bad about feeling bad after a system failure.

Values build trust.

We talk about our values. I think that people respect that. If we don’t have values then why should anyone buy our product?

Trust builds demand

Trust builds demand for our product when we talk to a potential buyer. We can have perfect product-market-fit but if our market audience doesn’t trust us, how can they buy our product? With trust we can then earn the opportunity to sell you our products for clinical data collection and automated data and safety monitoring

We search and develop opportunities with a sales process.

We might lose a deal for an EDC solution because the customer is a bad fit or its a bad time for them to buy or they don’t have the budget or the Medidata saleslady is kicking our ass because her selling skills rock and our sales-person is  dragging.

How we build demand for Flaskdata.io with trust and values

Building trust has a lot of moving parts, but there are 3 core activities which seem to work for us: 

  1. Listening carefully to you, the customer and talk about values.
  2. We focus on your biggest pain point 
  3. We work hard to earn the opportunity to earn your business.

We talk about our values

We are not ashamed to have values. We tell our pharma and device customers  We only do quantitative risk analysis to determine how to monitor a clinical trial. We don’t believe in estimating risk with a check-list.
We know that there are threats, vulnerabilities, controls and assets to be protected that need analysis.

We focus on your 1 biggest pain point

This makes it easier for us and our team to sell. It makes it simpler for a potential buyer to understand. Monitoring data from 1 variable instead of a complex set of 5 pain points and benefits helps get you to decision faster.  In our experience, there are only 3 possible pain points when a life science company is considering aa Flaskdata.io EDC and data and safety monitoring system for their clinical trial:


  1. Great price/performance
    Our customers already understand that they need an EDC and automated data and safety monitoring platform.    We get that there is a budget for the deal. Check out our prices.
  2. Fast Data and  safety monitoring cycle time.
    We provide 1 day cycle time in your clinical trial. We’ve done that for over 9M data points, 55 trials and 3 FDA approvals in the past 2 years.

    Your need for short data cycle time depends on your project. Same-day clinical data integrity is crucial in interventional trials. In population studies, you may be able to compensate for data issues with statistical analysis.  

  3. Fast EDC study build delivery time.
    The record for a Flaskdata.io customer is 5 working days from onboarding to first-patient-in. If you are in a rush – we can get you there very very fast.

We want the opportunity to earn your business

Not because of PR and marketing collateral.  Because of our values.

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